Mary Bradford
"Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means"
"Behind that quiet, reserved exterior lies not just a fountain of knowledge, but a truly caring, compassionate healer. She treats the whole person. A tremendous listener and observer, she delivers amazing insights with regularity. In my experience, a healer’s personal development, their energy, plays at least as big a role as their technical skills, and Mary brings an A game on that front. She is wise and supportive and encouraging, never pushy or judgemental. I consider her an important tool in my health regimen."
Maureen O'Doogan
"Mary Bradford has brought Ayurveda to life for me making it easy to incorporate its' healing properties into my lifestyle."
Renee Starkey,
Licensed Massage Therapist
Licensed Massage Therapist
"Thank-you for the wonderful class! I am getting stronger, more flexible and am able to handle life's challenges better as a result of the yoga I'm practicing with you."
Louise Reid Ritchie